Kinder Kennels
Kindness in Canine Care

Our guests are provided luxurious spaces

Kinder Kennels does not offer long stay discounts as we have found that the longer a guest is with us, the more we wash their bedding and even our guests!
Please remember the drop off and pick up times. They are carefully designed to allow minimal stress and maximum integration before rest and bed times. Late/early fees are applied at $1 a minute
Thank you.
Raw Diets
Kinder Kennels is happy to feed your dog's raw diet.
Food hygiene is carefully monitored and upheld.

Finding the right kennels for you and your dog is hard. At Kinder Kennels we wanted to build something bespoke that would provide as much comfort as possible for our guests whilst being safe, hygienic and fun.
Each guest room has an indoor and outdoor space that is private. No barrier aggression is possible since no guest can see another from their room. Guests can relax in their outdoor space or inside thanks to ingenious and insulated doggy doors.
We are having to be selective with the new dogs we are accepting at this time. It is absolutely key to our operations that we know all our dogs extremely well so that all can get the best out of their time with us. Thank you for your continued understanding and huge support of this small but perfectly formed business.
Please remember that every new guest must have an evaluation before they can stay with us. We book up months in advance for these so please plan ahead. Evaluations cost $40. Thank you
Bring your dog's bed, food, toys and something that smells of you (t-shirt or pillow case). We have the bowls!

Boarding Drop off is 4 - 5.30pm and pick up is 7.30 - 9am on Tuesday to Friday
9 - 10am Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
- should you need to drop off earlier or pick up later than these times, the day care fee of $40 is incurred.
Overnight (4-5.30pm to morning) is $43.80 excluding tax excluding walks
Two dogs sharing a room is $73.01
Three dogs sharing a room is $92.40
Dog Walks are $11.68 off lead, $14.60 on lead a walk per dog for both boarders and day care guests. If it is possible to do a second walk cost is $10
Whilst we do accept intact males and females, we cannot accept a bitch in season. Should she come into season during her visit, she will be isolated.
Damages to property and building caused by a dog may be billed to the owner.
Kinder Kennels staff are not veterinary trained. Some specific treatments may,
however, be administered.